Announcing the second edition of Kids on Bikes

The popular tabletop role-playing game Children on bikes Get the second version. Hunters Entertainment launched a Kickstarter game to fund the publication of a new version of the popular role-playing game, which draws inspiration from adult stories with a touch of eerie mystery. The new version comes with enhanced supported character rules, scalable risks of violence, expanded game management tools and collaborative storytelling tools. The new version will also be compatible with Strange Adventures volumes. 1 and 2, Meaning that the players who bought those expansions back to the original Children on bikes You will not lose any access to content that they may have used in previous campaigns.

Originally released in 2018, Children on bikes is an award-winning tabletop game that takes place in a small town created by players. Each player begins with a character built around a cup of typical teenage novels. The Party and the Game Master collectively control a supported character, whose abilities grow as the story progresses but face a cost each time they use their power. Each character has stats represented by different dice sizes, with larger dice representing a better chance of success.

Many pop-up books and expansions for Children on bikes Also released, including Teens in space And the Kids on brooms Each addresses different types of young adults.

As of press time, the Kickstarter for Kids on bikes 2nd edition It raised $87,900. Supporters will receive a PDF copy of the game with a pledge of $25 or a physical book with a pledge of $35. The fulfillment is planned for July 2023. You can check out the full Kickstarter here.

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